2016 Sports, Inc. Summer Team Show
Sports Inc. For requisitions taken at the 2016 Show A L L R EQU I S I T I ON S MU S T B E P L ACE D AT THE S HOW TO R E CE I VE S HOW P R I CE S AND S H I P B E FORE A P R I L 3 0 t h 2 0 1 7 .
♦ Co lleg e-6 Sw ing Trai ne r Packag e (Ba seba l l A1 0 0 2 or So f tba l l A1 0 0 3 ) ♦ Co lleg e-6 Sw ing Trai ne r Bat (Ba seba l lA1 0 1 5 o r So f tba l l A1 0 1 6 ) ♦ Co lleg e-6 Sof t Tra i ni ng Basebal ls B9210 and Sof t ball s B9220
$25 each $18 each
$22 per dozen
♦ JUGS S ti ng -Fre e Ba sebal ls
$19 pe r doz en $19 pe r doz en
Re alis tic Se ams (wh it e on l y B3000 )
Dimp l ed St yl e (wh ite B1005 o r op ti c yel low B1000 )
♦ JUGS S ti ng -Fre e Soft ba ll s 11 and 12”
$25 pe r doz en
Re alis tic Se ams (Game -Ba ll Yellow B4015 12” on l y) Dimp l ed St yl e (Game -Ball Yel low B2015 , B2020 11” )
♦ JUGS Lit e-Fli te Bas eball s (B5000 ) ♦ JUGS Lit e-Fli te So ft ball s (B5005 )
$15pe r doz en $19 pe r doz en $38 pe r doz en $44 pe r doz en
♦ JUGS Sof tie Bas eball s (B5100 )
♦ JUGS Sof tie So ft ball s (12 ” B5105 & 11 ” B5110 )
♦ JUGS NEW Po ly Ball s (Bu lk Box – 100 each BB, 84 SB) Basebal ls (Wh it e B6006 o r Vis ion Enhance Yellow B6011 ) Sof t ba lls (Op ti c Game Ba l l Yellow On l yB7011 .)
$43 pe r box $51 pe r box
♦ JUGS Hit ti ng Tee (A0400 ) ♦ JUGS 5 -Poi nt Bat ti ng Te e (A0410 )
$18 .50 each
$52 each $61 each
♦ New JUGS Tee (A0415 )
♦ JUGS Ins tant Scr een (S0 100 )
$104 .50 each
Save up t o 33% on shi ppi ng when y ou orde r t he Inst ant Sc r een i n t he ma s te r cart on of fi ve. JUGS Inst ant Sc re en in ma s te r car ton o f fi ve
$101 .50 each
♦ JUGS Small Ball Machine (M7000) ♦ JUGS Bucket of 48 Small Balls (B5135)
♦ JUGS Lit e-Fli te Machi ne (M6000 )
$299 each
$155 each
♦ JUGS To ss Machi ne (A06 00 )
♦ JUGS Fix ed Frame L-Scr een and So ft ball Sc re en
$135 each
♦ New Prot e ct or Se ri es Sc r eens (3 or mor e)
$376 each
♦ New Travel Scr e en
$104 .50 each
Free shipping on ALL REQUISITIONS taken at the Show over $15,000. The requisition once it is made into an order at corporate headquarters in Tualatin, Oregon must ship complete as a single order with one ship date only. It cannot be broken up to ship on different days. Fifty percent (50%) off shipping on five or more MACHINES (does not include Lite Flite, Small Ball, and Toss) ordered at this show. The machines can be shipped separately within one year of show dates. ALSO, Fifty percent (50%) off shipping on ALL REQUISITIONS taken at the Show over $4,000 Requisitions are not orders until standard approval procedures have been conducted at corporate headquarters in Tualatin, Oregon. Once Requisitions have been approved to a sales order, any cancellations or modifications must occur prior to July, 18 th 2016.
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