2016 Sports, Inc. Summer Team Show
Mizuno SuperHot Show
SHS Invoice
SHS Rebate
Level 1
Classic Pro Soft Baseball Gloves
Classic Fastpitch Gloves
Classic Future Baseball Gloves
Covert Batting Gloves, Adult & Youth
Maxcor BBCOR Baseball Bat
Covert BBCOR Baseball Bat
Covert Senior League Baseball Bats
Covert Youth Baseball Bat
Generation BBCOR Baseball Bat
Generation Senior League Baseball Bats
Generation Youth Baseball Bat
Nighthawk Fastpitch Bats
Silhouette Fastpitch Bat (-10)
Silhouette Fastpitch Bat (-13)
Orders for SuperHot Show Specials must be placed at the show. Minimum order of 18 units in each glove and batting glove category. Maximum of 18 bats per model.
Made with FlippingBook Annual report