2017 Sports, Inc. Fall Team Show Book
OFFICE / DISTRIBUTION CENTER 1175 Wheeling Road • Wheeling, Illinois 60090 Phone: 847.279.2600 • Fax: 847.229.4090 E-mail: customerservice@champrosports.com
FALL 2018 booking program
Minimum Purchase
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Freight Terms Payment Terms
FOB IL OR CA Oct. 1, 2018*
50% free freight Oct. 1, 2018*
100% free freight
Oct. 1, 2018*
Net 60 days
in-season order
In-Season Price
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FOB IL OR CA Shipments of $1,200 or more - 50% free freight plus Freight Love
FOB IL OR CA Shipments of $1,200 or more - 100% free freight plus Freight Love
In-Season Freight Terms
In-Season Payment Terms
Net 60 days
Net 60 days
Net 60 days
Net 60 days
*Maximum payment terms of 150 days or October 1, 2018, whichever date comes first.
fall booking order deadline: Fall booking orders must be received by January 31st, 2018 to qualify for prices, terms and freight.
• Free freight applies to all qualifying Booking Orders (no split shipments) and qualifying in-season orders; Freight programs may not be applied to orders shipped outside of the contiguous 48 states or orders that include custom decoration. • Premier & Premier Elite dealers qualify for free freight on In-Season Orders as specified in the table above. In-Season orders are eligible for free freight after shipment of a Fall 2018 Booking Order until 10/31/18.
• All orders subject to acceptance by CHAMPRO Sports ® . • CHAMPRO Sports ® does not assume liability for delays or failure to make shipment due to conditions over which CHAMPRO Sports ® has no control.
• CHAMPRO Sports ® reserves the right to cancel all back orders 90 days after the requested ship date. • Early order program ship window: 5/1/2018 - 7/31/2018 • We offer a 3 day shipping option only on apparel items that are not available in our west coast warehouse. The dealer will be billed for ground service and CHAMPRO Sports ® will ship via 3 day service and pay the difference ($200 minimum order requirement applies). This program is offered for shipments in the continental US only; it applies only when regular ground service is greater than 3 days per the UPS web site; no other product may be included on the shipment. Customers that request more expedited shipping are responsible for 100% of all shipping charges. CHAMPRO Sports ® reserves the right to use alternate carriers and to amend this policy at any time. This offer is not automatic nor retroactive and must be requested in writing by the dealer at the time of order. West Coast Premier & Premier Elite dealers can choose the option of receiving free freight on ground shipments as stated above, or, they may request three day shipments at ground rates regardless of order value. • CHAMPRO Sports ® reserves the right to back order products that are not in stock at time of shipment, unless our customer requests us to cancel backorders when placing an order. • Canceled orders that have already been processed for shipment in our D.C. are subject to a $15 cancellation fee. • Product can be shipped on multiple dates and to multiple locations to qualify for program parameters with the exception of free freight. To receive free freight, each shipment must meet minimum listed.
• CHAMPRO Sports ® cannot guarantee an exact date of shipment. • CHAMPRO Sports ® retains the right to increase prices at any time. • Terms are Net 60 days unless otherwise noted and are subject to credit approval. • A service charge of $7.00 shall be added to all orders of less than $100.00. • No quotes will be given for freight charges.
• Product may be returned only after a return authorization has been issued by CHAMPRO Sports ® . Items that have been decorated are non-returnable. A 20% restocking fee will be charged for all non- defective product that is returned undamaged and in the original packaging. Items which are not in the original packaging or have price stickers affixed to them may not be returned. Full credit cannot be issued more than 1 year after receipt of goods. • CHAMPRO Sports ® reserves the right to make a final determination as to whether an item has a manufacturing defect and whether it will be repaired, replaced or credit issued. • All returns must be shipped freight pre-paid. Return of items that are determined to be defective by CHAMPRO Sports ® may be eligible for freight credit. • Any shortages in shipments must be reported within 72 hours of receipt. Please be prepared to provide CHAMPRO Sports ® customer service representative with specific information on what was received including the number of cartons. CHAMPRO Sports ® can not be responsible for cartons that are signed for but not received.
Freight Love Program Free Freight on Apparel Orders of $200 or More*
Flat Rate Freight on Apparel Orders of $200 or Less* $100-$200 Orders: Flat Rate Freight $10.00 ; Less than $100: Flat Rate Freight $15.00 Orders must be placed online. Qualifying orders must be shipped in a single shipment from one distribution center. Backordered items do not count towards the qualifying threshold. Qualifying orders that also contain hard goods will automatically be split into two separate orders. Garments that include built-in padding do not qualify for this program. The Flat Rate Freight Program does not apply to JUICE, Splash, Classic Custom or Stock Decoration orders.
Orders must be placed online. To qualify, $200 of qualifying apparel must be shipped in a single shipment from one distribution center. Backordered items do not count towards the qualifying threshold. Orders with $200+ of qualifying apparel that also contain hard goods will automatically be split into two separate orders. Garments that include built-in padding do not qualify for this program. The Free Freight Program does not apply to JUICE, Splash, Classic Custom or Stock Decoration orders.
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