2018 Summer Team Dealers Show Book
Please let Sports, Inc. know about business plans that could affect your Sports, Inc. Membership. As part of the Sports, Inc. Membership Agree- ment and the By-laws, members agree to notify the Sports, Inc. Office about material changes in their business. Notification is important because Sports, Inc. Staff often can help make sure that your mem- bership is not affected. Examples of material changes include, but are not limited to, change of ownership, location, add- ing branches, adding or dropping merchandise categories, or experiencing unfortunate events like catastrophic weather, fire, or burglaries. IMPORTANT - Members should be especially
proactive if they are contemplating the sale of their business. Remember that the SI stock will not trans- fer to the new owners. The prospective buyers have to apply for membership just like any other pro- spective member and be accepted for membership by the Sports, Inc. staff. If members inform the SI office of a possible change in ownership early in the process, the Sports, Inc. staff often can assist both the existing member and the prospective buyer. If you have any questions about the notification provisions in either the By-laws or the Membership Agreement, please contact Todd Adams or Matt Owen in the Sports, Inc. office.
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